
1. Price and VAT
The price of the product/service includes VAT.
Please note that prices on the website are subject to change without notice.

2. Order confirmation
When an order is placed in the online store and confirmation of payment has been received, a confirmation email is sent to the email address you provided, and a binding purchase agreement is then reached.

3. Product returns and refunds
A product cannot be refunded, but it can be exchanged for another product at the same price by agreement, provided that it is undamaged.

4. Law and forum
This agreement is in accordance with Icelandic law. If a case arises because of him, it shall be prosecuted before the Reykjavík District Court.

5. Delivery terms
Orders are processed as soon as possible. Product is not shipped until payment has been received. The orders are distributed by Dropp and Dropp's delivery, warranty and transport terms apply to the delivery of the product. According to this, the store is not responsible for any damage that may occur to the product in transit. If a product is damaged from the time it is sent from the online store until it reaches the recipient, the damage is the buyer's responsibility.

6. Special orders
All inquiries should be sent to gersemi@gersemi.is.
The pricing of special orders is a matter of negotiation and is determined by the agreement on use, subject, material costs and time frame.

7. Privacy information
The seller promises the buyer complete confidentiality regarding all the information provided by the buyer in connection with the transaction. Information will not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. 

Sandra Ósk Júníusdóttir
Skipholt 28, 105 Reykjavík
id: 040293-2569
phone: 6162485

Terms were last changed on June 15, 2023